Complete Introduction Kits for Single Cell ICPMS Applications
Elemental Scientific has developed a complete sample introduction system designed specifically for single cell and nanoparticle applications. This kit is designed for High-Transport Efficiency, Single Cell & Nanoparticle applications.
CytoNeb - single cell nebulizer
- Meinhard high efficiency nebulizer
- Designed to efficiently nebulize single cells without cell rupturing
- Low internal volume & dead volume
- Low backpressure (1-50 μL/min = <50 psi)
- Patented inert PFA quick connects for nebulizer gas and samples lines
CytoSpray - single cell spray chamber
- Spray chamber designed specifically for single cell and nanoparticle applications
- High-transport efficiency
- Separate make-up gas for better transport efficiency
- Includes one-piece ICPMS torch for simple and direct connection to the CytoSpray

Single Cell Introduction Kit

CytoNeb - Single Cell Nebulizer

CytoSpray - Single Cell Spray Chamber
Combine this kit with the microFAST SC to create a Single Cell solution - a complete package capable of nanoparticle analysis, single cell analysis, and can be converted easily to a FAST system for routine analysis.
Each kit includes CytoNeb, CytoSpray spray chamber, one-piece torch, nebulizer gas line, make-up gas line, drain line, sampling lines, peripump tubing, and peripump fittings.
Contact us for more information or for a quotation on the kit below that meets your requirements.
Part No | Description |
SC-SI-79 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for Agilent 7900/8900 |
SC-SI-83 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for Analytic Jena Plasma Quant |
SC-SI-97 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for Nu Vitesse |
SC-SI-64 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for PerkinElmer 2000/5000 |
SC-SI-84 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for PerkinElmer 300/350 |
SC-SI-73 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for Thermo iCAP RQ/TQ |
SC-SI-96 | Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit for TOFwerk |